Elected School Board
NEW! Informational Meeting on Elected School Board
We hosted a webinar on June 17 at 6 p.m. to share information around CPS’ upcoming transition to an elected school board. The session also shared more about Board responsibilities, what is required to be a Board Member, and what being a Board Member is like. You can watch the recording .
You can review the deck that was used during the session here, and can also view the Q&A document that answers the questions that were submitted via the registration process and during the live session.
Puede revisar el conjunto de diapositivas que se utilizó durante la sesión aquí y también puede ver el documento de preguntas y respuestas que responde a las preguntas que se enviaron durante el proceso de registro y durante la sesión en vivo.
Interested in Becoming an Elected Board Member?
Starting January 15, 2025, the 澳门正版挂牌, the “Board,” will consist of 21 Board Members. The City of 澳门正版挂牌 has been divided into 10 districts (each of which is divided into 2 subdistricts). More information about those districts, including a map, can be found on the .
Each of the 10 districts will be represented by one elected Board Member and one Board Member who is appointed by the Mayor no later than December 16, 2024. Additionally, by December 16, 2024, the Mayor will appoint one President of the Board.
The Board Members (both the elected and the appointed Members) and the appointed Board President will all serve for two-year terms which begin January 15, 2025.
There are a number of requirements Board Members need to be aware of during their candidacy, while in service to the Board, and during their post-Board Membership. Examples of these have been compiled here.
Process to Run
In order to be placed on the ballot for the November 5, 2024 general election, individuals interested in running for an elected Board Member position must submit a nominating petition with the signatures of at least 1,000, but no more than 3,000 voters living within their electoral district. The petition circulation period will begin on March 26, 2024, with a filing period from June 17, 2024 to June 24, 2024. More information about the process can be found on the .
CPS has a budget of more than $9 billion, which is used to serve over 325,000 students across 634 schools. Governing this organization is a tremendous responsibility for the Board Members selected to lead. Board Members fulfill a number of specific key responsibilities, including, but not limited to:
- Hiring and evaluating the CEO
- Establishing the direction, goals, and priorities for the district
- Approving district policies
- Approving purchasing decisions, contracts, and intergovernmental agreements
- Approving the district budget and capital improvement plan
- Approving the school year calendar
- Approving school continuous improvement plans, school actions, and school charters and contracts
- Approving the dismissal of probationary appointed teachers, contract principals and tenured teachers, and non-probationary educational support personnel
Time Commitment
Being a Board Member requires an extensive time commitment - potentially more than 25-30 hours per month, depending on Board priorities and individual Board Member involvement in committee work, other boards, task forces, and community engagement. These commitments may take place during regular business hours, in the evenings, or on weekends.
Much of a Board Member’s time is spent attending and actively participating in the Board’s public meetings. In preparation for these meetings, Board Members participate in briefings on a monthly basis and are required to read and analyze hundreds of pages of documents each month.
In addition, each Board sets its own priorities for the school year, which often require time commitments above and beyond Board meeting preparation and attendance. For example, Board Members may commit to engaging diverse stakeholders by attending community events, hosting Board Office Hours, and conducting school visits.
If, through their Board service, Members are selected to serve on additional boards (e.g., 澳门正版挂牌 Teachers’ Pension Fund Board of Trustees or the Public Building Commission Board of Commissioners), these positions require many additional hours of meeting preparation, attendance, and participation.
Board Members serve without any compensation. However, Members of the Board may be reimbursed for expenses incurred while in the performance of their duties, subject to Board approval and in accordance with Board policies, rules, and processes. Board Members may also attend professional development and conferences, depending on available funds and in accordance with Board policies, rules, and processes.
If you still have questions about becoming an elected Board Member, please contact our office.